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    Access Control


    What is Access Control?


    Access control refers to the security strategy of restricting entry to a building or property only to authorized personnel. The original form of access control was the lock and key. The drawbridge across a castle moat is another early example of a perimeter security access control point. Today, access control applies to many industries, including computer information technology and software. When Protogetic uses the term Access Control, we are referring to restricting physical access to the premises by a person(s) or vehicle(s).


    What types of Access Control are there?


    There two main categories of access control: Physical Access Control and Electronic Access Control, sometimes referred to as Access Control Technology.


    What is Physical Access Control?


    Physical access control is very often achieved using security guards (military or civilian) who check identifications and either allow or deny entry into the premises. The most rudimentary example of physical access control is the bouncer at a local nightclub.


    At larger, more secure locations, manned access control points not only check entry authorizations, they are also responsible for deploying security entrance products such as high security gates or barrier crash arm beams to prevent vehicle intrusion. In addition, security personnel often intercept, detain and arrest unauthorized intruders or attackers.


    What is Electronic Access Control?


    When a perimeter security entrance will be unmanned, electronic access control technology products can be installed to automatically identify authorized persons and even their vehicles. These products can be:


    Key Card Readers

    Pass Code / Combination Keyboards

    License Plate Readers

    Biometric scanners

    Voice Recognition Programs

    Remote Cameras


    What standards are there for Access Control?


    The International Standards Organization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) are the governing bodies recognized throughout the world for defining the standards for access control technology as well as the plastic access cards themselves, sometimes referred to as “smart cards”. The most widely recognized smart card standards are:


    • ISO/IEC 14443
    • ISO/IEC 7501
    • ISO/IEC 7816
    • ISO/IEC 15693


    What is two-factor authorization?


    Two-factor authorization is an access control strategy designed to deter or prevent the unauthorized use of a legitimate entry credential that has been lost, stolen or “loaned” by the authorized ID holder. In such an instance, while the key card allows primary access, entry is not granted and the door opened until a second form of identification is entered. Often this is a PIN code or a biometric requirement like an iris or fingerprint scanner or voice recognition program.


    If this seems confusing, think of two-factor identification like your front door: It has two locks and requires two different keys to actually open them. Another analogy would be a “mantrap” security entrance. The first door of the mantrap opens and closes behind the visitor upon presentation of the first ID credential. The second door will not open until a second authorization is confirmed – whether by a security guard physically identifying the person/ID or by a second form of ID being analyzed like Voice Authorization or Fingerprint scanning.


    What is Biometric Access Control?


    Biometric access control products take physical body measurements of the individual seeking entry into a facility. These measurements are then analyzed by a computer database of possible authorized individuals to determine whether a match exists. If the biometric body measurements match, the door is opened. Biometric technology includes fingerprint readers, facial recognition, retinal and iris scans, voice recognition and hand geometry readers. A good every day example of a biometric reader is the Facial Recognition on the newer versions of the Apple iPhone.


    Is there a standard for biometric access control products?


    Actually there are several standards -- each for a specific kind of biometric measurement, including but not limited to:


    • ANSI-INCITS 377-2004 – Finger Pattern Based Interchange Format
    • ANSI-INCITS 379-2004 – Iris Interchange Format
    • ANSI-INCITS 385-2004 – Face Recognition Format for Data Interchange
    • ANSI-INCITS 396-2004 – Hand Geometry Interchange Format


    Where can I find Access Control Technology products?


    When it comes to high security access control products, Protogetic has what you need. We are the industry leader in protective design products. We have certified and documented security products across numerous categories, and ratings. Find the exact Access Control system you need in mere seconds using our detailed product filter. Stop wasting valuable time and visit today.